About Me

My name is Leanna, or Lea for short. I live in Hungary; my dad is a pastor here. I LOVE writing, and I am currently working on a couple different books. xD I also love reading, and two of my favorite authors are Erin Hunter and Gail Carson Levine. I am a Christian, I believe that Jesus died to save all of us from our sins. I love God, and I hope you do, too. I love music, a lot of different genres actually. I like Christian, Techno, Electronic, (+ DUBSTEP!! :), Pop, Classical (yes, Classical), Oldies, Chinese Instrumental :D, etc...My favorite sports are Volleyball and Soccer, and I really like horse riding, too. I also really like swimming. I play French Horn in my school band :) I also really like Photography. Here are some pictures of meself :)