John 15:18-19
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you..."
Read that. This verse says that if we are really of God and not of the world, the world will hate us. We can not be of God and of the world, so if you are really of God, how can the world love you? If the world loves you, how can you be of God? God is so big, and so powerful. He MADE the stars. We are so tiny, compared to how big He is. Yet He cared enough for us, tiny little Earth, to send down His own Son and watch His Son suffer on the cross. Jesus didn't have to do this, He could have just said "Nope, I'm not gonna die for these sinners!" and asked God not to make Him do it. But He didn't; He DIED for YOU. He gave His LIFE for YOU, so that you could be made clean. He gave His LIFE for you. So shouldn't we at least give our lives back to Him? What's it going to hurt if the world hates you? What do you have to lose, here on Earth? The answer is: NOTHING. So think about this...If the world hates you because of your love for Jesus and your want to help people, then good. Let them hate you, but still try to love them. If the world loves you...Think about which side you are on...Give your life back to Jesus, the One who gave His life for yours. He DIED. Can't you endure a little hate?
Jesus loves you. If He, a perfect being, could find it in His heart to love us, horrible sinners, then we can't you find it in your heart to be nice to that mean girl? To that guy who always teases you?? To the people who annoy you out of your mind???? Be an example...shine for God. There are so many people who just go to Church, go to Chapel or Bible Class (in a Christian school) and there they talk about God. But what about the rest of their lives? Are they living like a Christian should? Are you living like a Christian should? I'm not trying to guilt trip you....But it's all true.
Be the one who stands out for God. Be the one who is different, and be an example; a Godly example...
Be the one who stands out for God. Be the one who is different, and be an example; a Godly example...
1 Peter 2:9
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.
If we really are set apart; If we really are "a chosen race...a holy nation," shouldn't we be the ones who are different from the rest of this world? That's what I challenge you to do this week. Be a light in this broken world. Dare to be bold. Dare to be an example.
Dare to stand out.