Friday, August 16, 2013

New Year's Resolution

So last January (January 2013), I made a New Year's Resolution. That resolution was to not eat any kind of chip. So that includes (pics from internet):


and a whole lot of other things. But I have eaten:

(Potato stick snack thingys) and (Bagel Chips), though I stopped in March.

I am doing this resolution because I want to be able to discipline myself. It is especially hard being back here in the states, because they have things like Frito's, Dorito's, and Lay's...But I haven't eaten any chips yet, and I don't plan to! I am quite proud of this, not to brag :D I hope I can think of a resolution (food, probably) to do next year. If you have any ideas or suggestions, PLEASE comment! hehe :) :D Seeya :)
(By the way, looking up those pictures has made me REALLY hungry hahaha :)

New Pics :)

Just uploaded some pictures of myself onto the "About Me" page (finally). Haha :) If you want, you can see them at this link:
:) Seeya! :)
(Hopefully I will have some more stuff to post about, soon... :D) :)