Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Today was the first day of school!!!! It was really fun to see all my friends and to meet the new people!! :) I think this will be a really good year...Some goals for this year:
1. Show Jesus more than I did last year....I want to show my love for Him, because He saved my life.
2. Last year, almost every night I stayed up really late doing homework, because I got distracted and I was lazy...So this year I want to work on homework MORE in school and manage my time better so I don't have to stay up so late :)
3. Be myself more instead of hiding behind a mask :)
4. Be more happy, and don't let little things bother me. Like if someone is mean, then just ignore it and be happy. (I HAVE A REASON TO BE HAPPY!!!)
5. Trust God more, and know that He has a plan for me. It will be alright, because He's holding us in His hands.

School Stuff:



My new Pencil Case:                                                    When you UNZIP IT!!! :)

One thing that's so awesome about it is that it's made of one huge long zipper, so you can unzip it all the way!!! :D :)



  1. Love love your pencil case! I also love your goals for this year, hope you have a great year!! :)
